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It causes athletes to look for status from their peers in the form of respect, admiration,
popularity, or wanting to fit in or be liked. Patrick Cohn is a master mental
game coach who work with professional and amateur athletes, sports parents, and teams of all
levels. Her goal was to not shoot a bad number or high number for fear
of what others would say to her about her game. She would think to herself,
"I guess she does not like me or maybe thinks I am a crummy player,"
andthen proceed to lose confidence.In addition, she was afraid of embarrassing herself when she played
in tournaments. Lisa lacked confidence in her game and wanted me to help her Tn Requin play
with more confidence.As we talked, it became clear to me that Lisa relied on other
people for her confidence. Many people in today's society crave these qualities.When you worry too
much about what others think, you can't focus on what is really important - your
performance! In addition, this mindset also causes you to avoid mistakes or bad plays -
not a good mindset to instill peak performance.I once worked with a young female golfer
who I will call Lisa. One big challenge for many athletes today is the fact
that they worry so much about what others think when they perform that it becomes
a huge distraction.It is extremely important to care about other people. To get tn requin your head
in the game, focus on what is truly important during your performance!Want to learn simple,
proven mental toughness skills that you can apply to competition? Grab my free online mental
training newsletter, Sports Insights Magazine - for athletes, coaches, and sports parents: http://www.peaksports.com/free_newsletter.php :
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: Dr. More importantly, what would they think about her as a person?A word
of caution! Be careful of making statements such as, "If I am a bad golfer
today, I guess I am not a worthy person."Let's face it, many athletes want respect
from their peers. If her playing partners did not say, "Good shot" to her after
she hit a good shot, she would begin to think negatively about herself.Her brain went
into overdrive, and she assumed that her playing partners really did not like her because
they did not acknowledge when she hit a good shot. But at the very least,
you have to let go of what others may or may not be thinking about
you when you compete. However it becomes unhealthy when athletes worry too much about what
others think of them to the point that it distracts them from focusing on the
task.We call this social approval or acceptance. Visit http://www.peaksports.com for more information..
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