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It's a sport with a huge fan base, either casual interest or die hard fanatics, and since there is always something to write about, you can then send the reader to a site which you monetise.For example you can write about the win for the Swiss skiier Didier Defargo on home snow, or the neutral spectators love of maverick American Bode Miller.So you can see there are many ways to make money from the biggest event in Swiss sport.Gordon Bryan is a writer chaussures puma and sports fan from the UK. There are almost unlimited ways to make money from sporting events, and the biggest event in Swiss sport certainly allows opportunities, so here's the lowdown...Your first question may well be to ask what is the biggest sporting event in Switzerland, and the answer is the downhill ski race at Wengen.2009 saw the 79th staging of what has become one of the 'classic' races, and if you win this race down the Lauberhorn, you are assured a Tn Requin place in the history of the sport.Skiing is obviously well known as an activity that can get pretty expensive, with all things from holidays to equipment ranging from the budget to top end prices.You can make money on all of these, by being an affiliate for sites that sell the goods - you send traffic to the sites, and if someone buys you are paid a commission.It may not sound like much, but those commissions can soon add up, even on the cheaper priced items.You may want to start your own site selling ski related goods. The profits are there to be had, but the risk is too high for me.The way I choose to go is to write about skiing. Personally this is not the method I prefer, as it involves investment in stock and website maintenance. He loves the fact that he earns money online by just writing about sport, and can show you how to do *exactly* the same at his site: tn requin cartoon,Nike Shox R4 Cartoon,Basket Requins cartoon Soldesvendre et acheter tn nike cartoon chaussures hommes noir hook